Climate News

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ON 01/17/2023 AT 06:40 PM

New research finds that ice-sheet-wide collapse in West Antarctica isn’t inevitable: the pace of ice loss varies according to regional differences in atmosphere and ocean circulation.

Wildfires in southwestern France in July 2022
ON 01/25/2023 AT 08:21 AM

The European Union’s Copernicus climate monitoring service reported that last summer in Europe was the hottest in history. Predictions say this year is going to be far worse.

Croplands damaged by floods
ON 01/23/2023 AT 08:48 AM

After previous waves delivered record-setting torrential rains to the west coast this past week, two more high-altitude rain chutes are scheduled to drench much of Northern California and parts of the southern region this weekend.

Most Expensive U.S. Climate Disaster Events in 2022
ON 01/24/2023 AT 11:00 AM

A report just-released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows 2022 was the third most expensive year in history for damages directly accountable to global heating, which we have inflicted upon ourselves.

ON 01/04/2023 AT 10:15 PM

A study led by Brown University researchers showed how melting ice water from massive glaciers can ultimately lead to droughts and flooding in East Africa and Indonesia.

ON 01/07/2023 AT 11:32 AM

A new count of polar bears in Hudson Bay, Canada, shows this majestic animal is on a fast track to permanent extinction in this important subpopulation. The species’ dependence on dwindling Arctic sea ice is the primary cause.

Puerto Rico's Power grid
ON 12/31/2022 AT 12:00 PM

16 cities and towns in Puerto Rico have sued the biggest names in the fossil fuel industry for causing climate change and lying about it.

Methane Flaring
ON 12/09/2022 AT 08:47 PM

The Biden-Harris regime announced proposed new rules this week that would limit methane leaks and flaring for drilling on federal and Tribal lands. While it will help, the proposal is far too timid to make much of a difference.

ON 12/10/2022 AT 12:42 PM

With ocean temperatures off the northeastern Australia coast once again having reached record highs, marine biologists fear the Great Barrier Reef may soon be exposed to another mass bleaching event by March 2023.

Ediacaran Sea Floor
ON 11/24/2022 AT 02:15 AM

Multiple researchers have concluded the combination of the climate crisis and other reckless abuse of the planet’s resources is causing a mass extinction event of many thousands of species across our planet. A new study has revealed this may actually be the seventh such event in history, rather than just the sixth as originally understood.

new transport route for carbonaceous material
ON 11/21/2022 AT 10:45 PM

Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute find new transport route for carbonaceous material from productive Arctic marginal seas to the deep sea. It is another means for releasing even more carbon into the oceans and eventually into the atmosphere as global heating progresses.

ON 11/20/2022 AT 10:41 PM

Rock coasts, which make up over half the world’s coastlines, could retreat more rapidly in the future due to accelerating sea level rise. This is according to new Imperial College London research that modelled likely future cliff retreat rates of two rock coasts in the UK.

El presidente Lula Inacio da Silva de Brasil, hablando en la conferencia COP27
ON 11/19/2022 AT 12:45 AM

El presidente electo de Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, dijo el miércoles a una entusiasmada multitud en la conferencia climática de la ONU que combatirá la deforestación ilegal en la Amazonia. Fue especialmente simbólico porque fue el primer discurso de un presidente brasileño en las conferencias de la COP de la ONU desde que Lula asumió el poder.

Protesters demanding \"loss and damage\" funds at the UN COP27 Climate Change conference
ON 11/29/2022 AT 02:25 AM

An after-the-fact insurance program has been set up to provide emergency funds when countries which are unable to pay for climate damage themselves suffer catastrophic harm. It is woefully underfunded and insulting to the nations which are paying the price for global heating while the wealthy countries mostly ignore them.

The planet at War
ON 12/14/2022 AT 10:23 AM

With record CO2 emissions in 2022, the Global Carbon Budget is being grossly overspent, ensuring even greater catastrophe.

Greenland ice melt
ON 11/25/2022 AT 03:51 AM

Like most other climate predictions, estimates of the melt-rate of Greenland have been way off.

Wastewater treatment facility
ON 11/08/2022 AT 09:06 PM

Scientists at Washington State University have created a unique “pretreatment” technique which they say makes it possible to convert 85% of the organic material in sewage sludge to biogas.

Cyclone Sitrang damage in Bangladesh in October 2022.
ON 11/21/2022 AT 03:37 AM

A new report sponsored by the United Nations shows the cost to developing and emerging countries to adapt to and deal with the consequences of the climate crisis will be about $2.4 trillion a year as of 2030.

The planet at War
ON 11/21/2022 AT 03:40 AM

As the United Nations’ annual Conference of the Parties (COP27) on the climate crisis begins, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) published news showing the last decade racked up eight of the hottest years in known human history.

ON 11/03/2022 AT 03:42 AM

Temperatures in Europe have increased at more than twice the global average over the past 30 years – the highest of any continent in the world. As the warming trend continues, exceptional heat, wildfires, floods and other climate change impacts will affect society, economies and ecosystems, according to a new report from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

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